Invited Speakers / Daniel Haley

Daniel Haley

Oxford Atomic Ltd

Dr Haley is a co-director of Oxford Atomic Ltd, and a visiting researcher at Oxford University's Dept of materials. His work has covered the development of new data analysis methods and software, characterisation of materials, experimental protocols, and add-on systems for instrumentation. His work on experimental methods include novel 3D mapping of deuterium via a combination of electrolytic and cryogenic APT, as well as the development of new hardware to enable complex experiments. In data processing and software, he has researched new reconstruction algorithms to enable distortion-free imaging in APT experiments, working across diverse materials from alloys to semiconductors. He is the lead author of open-source APT software such as 3Depict, which provides interactive visualisation and analysis of large-scale APT data.

Dr Haley will be presenting examples from his research which highlight how modern data sharing, in concert with new open-source algoirthms can be used to promote and advance APT data reconstruction and imaging. This work has been conducted at the University of Oxford, starting with simple models for level-set methods, as well as more complex and complete multi-physics simulations to show how moving-front methods can be applied to solve advanced APT reconstruction problems in a matter of hours. Further we discuss how new methods, such as the application of automation and machine learning techniques can enable re-discovery and meta-analysis in APT data, accelerating the time-to-knowledge for APT experimental programmes.


Youtube UCgytmT2BnYpYHCP_y2yr6EQ


Conference ID: 8723212330 Password: 0000

Important Dates

Muller Award Application Deadline
July 8, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline
July 31, 2022
Registration Payment Deadline
October 10, 2022

Registration Fee

50 Euro

Presentation Time

  • Block Lecture: 50 mins 

  • Invited Talk: 30 mins 

  • Muller Competition Talk: 30 mins 

  • Company Presentation: 20 mins 

  • Oral Presentation: 15 mins 

  • Poster: 4 mins

Contact Us

Tianyu Deng
TEL: 025-84303457
MOBILE: 17751003685