

Quantitative analysis of nitrogen by atom probe using stoichiometric γ’-Fe4N consisting of 15N isotope and its isotope effect

Jun Takahashi, et al.

Theoretical investigation of field evaporation near Al grain boundaries

Christoph Freysoldt, et al.

Elucidating Crystallization Mechanism of Amorphous NbCo1.1Sn induced by Ball Milling via Atom Probe Tomography correlative Microstructural Research

Hail Park, et al.

Field ion microscopy (FIM) analysis of early-stage TiC precipitation in ferritic steel 

Y. Kobayashi, et al.

Fossilization of Chondrichthyan (Shark) Teeth

Klaus Heisig, et al.


Fractal grain boundary regions grown from nanocrystalline Pd-Au 

Johannes Wild, et al.

Introduction to the CAMECA 6000 APT Product Line

R.M. Ulfig, et al.

Study on segregation behavior elements at grain boundaries in gran-oriented silicon steel

Yinxing Wu, et al.


Extracting free energies from local concentration fluctuations: 

A frequency distribution analysis on the atom probe data obtained from a TAPSim simulation

Jianshu Zheng, et al.


A visualization addon for Blender

Martina Heller, et al.

Effect of Terahertz pulse polarity on Mass resolution in THz Atom probe tomography

Ganesh Damarla, et al.

TeraHertz Assisted Atom Probe Tomography: Effects of the pulse's shape and duration

Michella Karam, et al.

Structural Visualization of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Using Atom Probe Tomography

Kuan Meng, et al.

Atom Probe Tomography Characterisation of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Lithium Batteries

Shebin Konnakkal Joby, et al.


Removal of poles and zone-lines in the atom probe results of irradiated Fe-Ni-Si alloy

Tianyu Deng, et al.


Ab initio field evaporation in dilute alloys

Shyam Katnagallu, et al.

Atom Probe tomography characterization of alloying elements in zirconium alloys after creep deformation

Qingyang Lvet al.6635-poster(1)_00.png

Scanning tunneling microscopy of the surface prepared by atom probe tomography

Junki Kubo, et al.

Fingerprints indicating superior properties of grain boundaries by correlative microscopy

Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin, et al.

MoS2/MoSe2 deposition by radio frequency sputtering
towards facile integration as heterojunction

Oscar A. López-Galán, et al.

Approaches to Prepare Frozen-hydrated Nanoscale Needles for Cryogenic High-Resolution Characterization

Shuo Zhang, et al.


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Muller Award Application Deadline
July 8, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline
July 31, 2022
Registration Payment Deadline
October 10, 2022

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50 Euro

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  • Block Lecture: 50 mins 

  • Invited Talk: 30 mins 

  • Muller Competition Talk: 30 mins 

  • Company Presentation: 20 mins 

  • Oral Presentation: 15 mins 

  • Poster: 4 mins

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Tianyu Deng
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